Helpful resources
Access general information on external administrations and guidance materials for creditors (including employees).
McGrathNicol Resources
Get assistance with making your claim and attending creditor meetings.
ARITA Information Sheets
The Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association provides detailed guidance about your rights in insolvency and important aspects of insolvency processes.
Offences, Recoverable Transactions and Insolvent Trading (Voluntary Administration)
Offences, Recoverable Transactions and Insolvent Trading (Liquidation)
Access a summary list of ASIC’s information sheets, which cover the rights of directors, employees, creditors and shareholders affected by a company’s insolvency.
Consumer Resources
Information about a consumer’s legal rights on insolvency.
Fair Work Ombudsman
Help getting answers to questions about ending employment when your employer is insolvent.
Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG)
Resources for employees making claims for unpaid entitlements.
Mental Health Resources
Some resources targeted at the mental health impacts of insolvency.